Welcome to My Blog!

I write this blog in order to introduce you to things I most enjoy on the internet. In many ways this is also my daily intellectual diary. The blogs, podcasts and videos I introduce here are only of the highest quality. I've linked to them because I've learned a great deal from them or they triggered some intensive self-reflective thought.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Obituaries, the New York Times and What it All Means for America

What can the obituaries of Martin Meyerson, Arnold Lappert and Jim Clark, all of which appeared on the same page of the June 7th The New York Times tell us about the state of the media in America? Do the media glorify the deeds of hate mongers like Jim Clark by giving them top billing, spread across the upper third of a page of America’s most prominent newspaper? Read Lawrence Velvel’s answers at his blog www. velvelonnationalaffairs.com.

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