Welcome to My Blog!

I write this blog in order to introduce you to things I most enjoy on the internet. In many ways this is also my daily intellectual diary. The blogs, podcasts and videos I introduce here are only of the highest quality. I've linked to them because I've learned a great deal from them or they triggered some intensive self-reflective thought.

Friday, June 8, 2007

The Fall of America

Lawrence Velvel writes in his blog http://velvelonnationalaffairs.com:

"the liberal wing of America does seem united in feeling that America cannot act the hegemon, cannot impose its views all over the world by force or otherwise, and must work with other countries (or we will increasingly face a whole world arrayed against us); that the increasing discrepancies in wealth, medical care and education are intolerable; and so forth. This societal and economic point of view has been given a new and powerful impetus by the delinquencies of the Bush Administration, an impetus augmented by books documenting these delinquencies and/or comparing modern America to prior, fallen empires like those of Rome and Britain."

This is why liberal politics are so necessary. America's standing is plummeting in the world to all time lows. But with all the politicians in the hands of big business what possibly can we do? Our nation is in dire straits. If anyone has ideas that we cheer me up please send them along.

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